Vietnam has NEVER attacked "USA".

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Vietnam War Museum 02b: Ho Chi Minh - and resistence against Vietnam War in the "USA"

Ho Chi Minh with the OSS and Communists - Millions are demonstrating against criminal Vietnam War - the "US" police murdering peace students - even self-immolation does not stop the war - Fuck You! - Fuck the police! - Fuck the army!

Ho Chi
                                        Minh 1960 in der Sowjetunion
Ho Chi Minh in 1960 in the Soviet Union (UdSSR)

Ho Chi Minh
                                    am 17.1.1967 mit
                                    Intellektuellen": Am 17. Januar
                                    1967 gab Ho Chi Minh
                                    Intellektuellen einen Empfang, die
                                    Gegner der "US"-Invasion
                                    in Vietnam waren.
Ho Chi Minh on Jan 1, 1967 with "American intellectuals"
Demonstration gegen den
                                        Vietnamkrieg in den
                                        "USA" mit Slogans -
                                        und eine Menschenmenge
Demonstration against Vietnam War in the "USA" with slogans - and a crowd
                                    4.11.1969 - und 4 Tote in Kent
Arlington Capitol March Nov 4, 1969 - and 4 killed people at Kent May 4, 1970
Morrison und
                                        Laporte, die Selbstverbrenner
                                        aus Protest gegen den
                                        kriminellen Vietnamkrieg
Morrison and Laporte, the self-immolators on Nov 2 and 10, 1965 - in protest against the criminal Vietnam War

by Michael Palomino (2018 - translation 2023)

Crimes of criminal NATO in Vietnam


Since 2009 the "U.S.A." is paying 1,52 billion dollars annually to the Agent Orange victims for their NATO crimes with Agent Orange contamination. It took 40 years until the criminal "U.S.A." also granted compensation to Vietnamese and not only to their own "U.S." victims in the "U.S.A."

December 1976: Vietnam is not divided - the report of the Vietnamese Communist Party of December 1976
                              Die weltweite Unterstützung Vietnams mit
                              seinem Widerstand - Logo  Sonderausstellung:
                              Die weltweite Unterstützung Vietnams mit
                              seinem Widerstand - Logo
Special Exhibition: The Worldwide Support of Vietnam with its Resistance - logo

Text des Exekutivkomitees von 1976
Text of the Executives Committee of 1976
The Vietnamese Communist Party's report on Vietnam - December 1976


"We would like to thank the communist parties and working class of the countries in the world, national liberation movement, nationalist countries, peace-loving countries, international democratic organizations, and progressive human beings, for their shole-hearted support, and strong encouragement to our peoples patriotic resistance against the US, for national salvation."

(Excerpt from political report of the Central Executive Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party at the 4th National Representatives Conference, Dec. 1976)"
Korridor mit
                                Fotogalerie des Widerstands gegen den
                                Vietnamkrieg in den "USA"
Corridor with photo gallery of resistance to the Vietnam War in the "USA"

1946-1958: President Ho Chi Minh receives "Americans" and then communists of the Soviet camp

                                  Fotos von Ho Chi Minh
4 photos of Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh 1946:
                              Ho Chi Minh bei der Nationaltagsfeier der
                              Republik Vietnam am 14. Juli 1946
Ho Chi Minh in 1946

Ho Chi Minh 1946,
Ho Chi Minh 1946, Text

Text: "Ho Chi Minh attended the National Day celebrations of the Republic of France on July 14, 1946"

Ho Chi
                              Minh mit einer britischen Delegation 1957:
                              Am 4. Mai 1957 begrüsste Ho Chi Minh die
                              britische Parlamentarierdelegation.
Ho Chi Minh with a British delegation in 1957

Ho Chi Minh mit
                            einer britischen Delegation 1957, Text
Ho Chi Minh with a British delegation in 1957

Text: "President Ho Chi Minh welcomed the UK's Parliament Delegation visit to Vietnam on May 4, 1957"

Ho Chi Minh besucht einen
                              Kindergarten in Sofia in Bulgarien, 1957:
                              Am 12. August 1957 besuchte Präsident Ho
                              Chi Minh in Sofia einen Kindergarten, die
                              Hauptstadt der Volksrepublik Bulgarien.
Ho Chi Minh visiting a kindergarten at Sofia in Bulgaria, 1957

Ho Chi Minh besucht einen
                            Kindergarten in Sofia in Bulgarien, 1957,
Ho Chi Minh visiting a kindergarten at Sofia in Bulgaria, 1957, text

Text: "President Ho Chi Minh visited a kindergarten in Sofia, capital city of the People's Republic of Bulgaria in August 12, 1957."
Ho Chi Minh 1958 in
                              Delhi, Indien: Am 7. Februar 1958 sprach
                              Präsident Ho Chi Minh in Neu Delhi
                              (Republik Indien) zu Intellektuellen
Ho Chi Minh 1958 in Delhi, India

Ho Chi Minh 1958 in Delhi,
                            Indien, Text
Ho Chi Minh 1958 in Delhi, India, text

Text: "President Ho Chi Minh spoke to intellectuals in New Delhi, the Republic of India on February 7, 1958."

Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh 1960 in der
                              Sowjetunion (UdSSR)
Ho Chi Minh 1960 in the Soviet Union (USSR)

Ho Chi Minh 1960 in der
                            Sowjetunion (UdSSR), Text
Ho Chi Minh 1960 in the Soviet Union (USSR), text

Text: "President Ho Chi Minh signed The Joint Statement of The International Conference of the Communist and Workers' Parties in Moscow, Soviet Union, in 1960."

Ho Chi Minh am 17.1.1967 mit
                              Intellektuellen": Am 17. Januar 1967
                              gab Ho Chi Minh "amerikanischen"
                              Intellektuellen einen Empfang, die Gegner
                              der "US"-Invasion in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh at Jan 17, 1967 with "American intellectuals"

Ho Chi Minh 1967,
Ho Chi Minh 1967, Text

Text: "President Ho Chi Minh gave a reception to American intellectuals who opposed the U.S. invason of Vietnam on Januar 17th, 1967."

                              Chi Minh 1960: Präsident Ho Chi Minh und
                              der Präsident der Republik Guinea, Touré,
                              besuchten am 17. September 1960 die
                              Ausstellung über den 15-jährigen
                              Wiederaufbau der Republik Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh 1960

Ho Chi Minh 1960,
Ho Chi Minh 1960, text

Text: "President Ho Chi Minh and President Amed Sekou Touré of the Republic of Guinea visited the exhibition of 15-year construction of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 17th, 1960."

Ho Chi Minh am 7.3.1967
                              mit einer Delegation der OSPAAAL: Am 7.
                              März 1967 gab Präsident Ho Chi Minh einer
                              Delegation der Solidaritätsorganisation
                              der Völker Asiens, Afrikas und
                              Latein-"Amerikas" (OSPAAAL)
                              einen Empfang. Die
                              Solidaritätsorganisation stand unter
                              Leitung des Generalsekretärs Osmany
Ho Chi Minh on March 7, 1967 with a delegation of OSPAAAL

Ho Chi Minh 1967,
Ho Chi Minh 1967, text

Text: "President Ho Chi Minh, on March 7th, 1967, gave a reception to a delegation of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia. Africa and Latin America led by Mr. Osmany Cienfuegos, General Secretary."

1945: The criminal "USA" with the OSS in Vietnam - against Japan's troops
Japan's government had concluded a standstill agreement with the USSR in 1941, so Stalin survived. For this, the whole of Southeast Asia was to become Japanese and the project was to celebrate a common border with Hitler in India. Thus, Vietnam was also occupied by the Japanese. In 1945, the last Japanese troops were expelled with the help of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services).
                              OSS in Vietnam 1945
OSS in Vietnam in 1945
1945 hat das OSS in Nordvietnam
                              eine Militärbasis: Im Zweiten Weltkrieg
                              hatte das OSS (Office of Strategic
                              Services, Vorläufer des kriminellen CIA)
                              im Dschungel von Nordvietnam eine
                              Militärtruppe mit Ho Chi Minh-Leuten. Die
                              "USA" bzw. das OSS führten die
                              Operation in Con Minh (Südswest-China)
In 1945, the OSS had a military base in North Vietnam

1945 hat das OSS
                              in Nordvietnam eine Militärbasis, Text
In 1945, the OSS had a military base in North Vietnam - text

Text: "In World War II, the US Strategic Organization, former organization of CIA, has trained a military force of Ho Chi Minh on a jungle in Northern Vietnam. The U.S. OSS carrying out this mission located in Con Minh, South West China."
Poster in Vietnam
                              von 1945ca.: Die Bevölkerung soll
                              "US"-Piloten behilflich sein
Poster in Vietnam about the time of 1945 appr.: the poster orders that the population should help "US" pilotes

Poster in
                            Vietnam von 1945ca.: Die Bevölkerung soll
                            "US"-Piloten behilflich sein,
Poster in Vietnam about the time of 1945 appr.: the poster orders that the population should help "US" pilotes - text

Text: "Posters appealed to Vietnamese people to help American pilots."

Vier Fotos zeigen die
                                "USA" 1945 in Vietnam
Four photos showing "USA" in Vietnam in 1945

"US"-Major Thomas
                                        mit Vietnam-Soldaten bei einem
                                        Angriff gegen Japaner August
"U.S." Major Thomas with Vietnam soldiers in an attack against Japanese in August 1945

Der CIA bildet Leute aus,
"U.S." Major Thomas with Vietnam soldiers in an attack against Japanese in August 1945, text

Text: "Major E. Thomas in the picture with a Viet Minh soldier in Thai Nguyén, in August 1945 in an attack against Japanese troops."

Vo Nguyen Gidp und Major A.
                                        Patti im September 1945: Herr Vo
                                        Nguyén Giáp und Major A. Patti,
                                        Kommandeur der OSS-Einheit,
                                        salutieren vor den Farben in
                                        Hanoi, September 1945
Vo Nguyen Gidp and Major A. Patti in September 1945

                                        Nguyen Gidp und Major Patti im
                                        September 1945, Text
Vo Nguyen Gidp and Major A. Patti in September 1945, text

Text: "Mr. Vo Nguyén Giáp and major A. Patti, commander of the OSS unit saluted the colors in Ha Noi, in September 1945."

Das OSS-Team
                                        im September 1945 mit Ho Chi
                                        Minh und Vo Nguyen Gidp
The OSS team in September 1945 with Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Gidp

                                      OSS-Team präsentiert im September
                                      1945 Ho Chi Minh und Vo Nguyen
                                      Gidp, Text
Text: "An OSS team with President Ho Chi Minh, Mr. Vo Nguyén Gidp in September 1945."

                                        "US"-Delegation in
                                        Hanoi im September 1945
A "US" delegation at Hanoi in September 1945

"US"-Delegation in
                                      Hanoi im September 1945, Text
Text: "A U.S. delegation in Ha Noi, in September 1945."

Vietnam 1946-1975: Summary
Starting in 1946, Vietnam had the French Vietnam War. The French were kicked out. After this military victory against the criminal foreign legion in Vietnam, the Vietnamese president Ho Chi Minh made an alignment with communist groups. Then the criminal "USA" thought that a communist Vietnam would be a danger for the "USA" and started from 1964 with a pretext (an invented Tongkin incident) with an invasion and bombardments in the whole country. A connection between China and Vietnam was always claimed, but the Vietnamese did not want to be the coolies of the Chinese at all, as it was before. Criminal NATO was working towards a partition of Vietnam, which was rigorously rejected by the Vietnamese people. And so "US" presidents Johnson and Nixon liked to throw their bombs, committing all sorts of war crimes, and at the same time the Vietnamese population survived in tunnel systems, defeating criminal Satanist NATO in 1975, which had committed all sorts of crimes in child sex for 11 years in "rest rooms" like Thailand, Philippines and South Korea. The resistance in the "USA" did not mention the Satanist NATO structure, but always referred in general to peace, violence of the "US" NATO and to the general injustice of war.

Resistance to the Vietnam War in the "USA": Representative William Clay 1969: The Vietnam population was NEVER consulted (!!!)
Buch von
                                  A. Patty: Warum Vietnam? (Why
Buch by A. Patty: Why Vietnam?
Abgeordneter Clay gegen
                                  Vietnamkrieg - und eine
Rep. Clay against Vietnam War - and an anti-war demonstration

Abgeordneter William
                              Clay (Bill Clay) am 15.10.1969: Einen
                              Vietnamkrieg zu führen, ohne die
                              Bevölkerung zu fragen, ist unmoralisch
Representative William Clay (Bill Clay) on 15.10.1969: Fighting a Vietnam War without consulting the population is immoral
Representative William Clay (Bill Clay of St. Louis, Missouri - Link), who was elected to the House of Representatives in early 1969, said the following at a congressional meeting on October 15, 1969, according to the minutes:

"Our leaders deliberately refused to mention the people aspirations in the war policies. The people are seeking Peace while the Government is pursuing the war... There can be no honor in an ashamed action. The war in Vietnam remains injustice, illegal and immoral.
Representative William Clay
(Excerpt from the Minute of the meeting at the US Congress on October 15, 1969)"

Slogans of "US" resistence against criminal Vietnam War - examples
Anti-Kriegs-Demonstration in den
                                  "USA" in Washington vor dem
Anti war demonstration in the "USA" at Washington with Washington Monument in the background

Demonstration gegen den
                                Vietnamkrieg, Slogans, Text
Demonstration against Vietnam War, slogans, text: "The war in Vietnam is against the United States. No one needs to die for the war!"

Demonstration gegen den
                                  Vietnamkrieg in den "USA"
                                  mit Slogans - und eine Menschenmenge
Demonstration against Vietnam War in the "USA" with slogans - and a crowd
                              gegen den Vietnamkrieg, Slogans
Demonstration against Vietnam War, slogans

Anti-Kriegs-Demonstration in
                                      den "USA" in Washington
                                      vor dem Washington-Denkmal, Text
Text: "An anti-war demonstration in the United States, with slogans:
"Put an end to the imperialism in Asia"
"Stop the war in Vietnam"
"Peace in Vietnam now"
"We are maintaining a fascist clique in Saigon""
Demonstration gegen den
                              Vietnamkrieg in den "USA" mit
                              50.000 Demonstranten: Bei dieser
                              Demonstration gegen den
                              "US"-Aggresionskrieg in Vietnam
                              sind 50.000 "Amerikaner"
Demonstration against Vietnam War in the "USA" with 50,000 demonstrators

                            gegen den Vietnamkrieg in den
                            "USA" mit 50.000 Demonstranten,
Text: "50,000 American people in the demonstration against the U.S. aggressive war in Vietnam."
Resistance against Vietnam War and Nixon: The March Against Death 1969 - 4 people dead in Kent 1970
Arlington-Capitol-Marsch 4.11.1969 -
                              und 4 Tote in Kent 4.5.1970
Arlington Capitol March on Nov 4, 1969 - and 4 people killed at Kent on May 4, 1970
Arlington-Capitol-Marsch mit den
                              Namen von toten GIs (Marsch gegen den Tod
                              (March Against Death) 14. November 1969)  Arlington-Capitol-Marsch mit den
                                Namen von toten GIs, Text
Arlington Capitol March with the names of dead soldiers (March Against Death) on Nov 14, 1969 - text

Text: "45,000 American notables in the march from Arlington National cemetary to the Capitol Building, carrying each a poster bearing the name of a G.I killed or a village of Vietnam destroyed."
Demonstration gegen den Vietnamkrieg
                              in Kent, Johnsons Polizei schiesst in die
                              Menge, 4 Tote - 4. Mai 1970: Vier
                              Studenten der Universität Kent
                              (Bundesstaat Ohio) wurden während einder
                              Demonstration gegen den
                              "US"-Krieg in Vietnam durch die
                              Nationalgarde getötet (1970).
Demonstration against Vietnam War at Kent, police of Persident Johnson is killing 4 by shooting - May 4, 1970
Demonstration gegen den Vietnamkrieg in
                            Kent, Johnsons Polizei schiesst in die
                            Menge, 4 Tote - 4. Mai 1970, Text
Text: "Four students of Kent University, Ohio state, the U.S. were shot dead by national guards in a demonstration against the U.S. war in Vietnam (1970)."
Vietnamese leaflet: Germany's population was against the Vietnam War
Flugblatt mit einem
                              vietnamesischen Text im Museum
Leaflet with a Vietnamese text in the museum

Translation of the German google translate text:

"Germans were damning the invasion of Vietnam, the invasions of Vietnam, the population of America was protesting against the occupation of Vietnam wich was provoking a Freedom War.

Ho Chi Minh City has become the capital of the United States, of the American Military Forces, of the American Military, of the American pilotes, of the population. Machines are adored or Vietnam is bombed. Some American citizens are trying to occupy Vietnam using the Vietnam War as a pretext."
"US" Resistance to the Vietnam War and to Nixon: Martin Luther King and the Flower of Jan Rose Kasmir
Martin Luther King
                              ruft die "USA" zur Umkehr auf -
                              Blume gegen Gewehre
Martin Luther King calling "USA" for a return - the flower against rifles
Demonstration mit
                              einem Zitat von Martin Luther King: Er
                              ruft die "USA" aus Vietnam
                              zurück: Jegliche Vorsorge ausser Acht
                              lassend machten in den ersten Monaten der
                              Nixon-Regierung einige
                              "Amerikaner" bei der
                              Anti-Kriegs-Kampagne mit. Sie
                              unterstützten Jim Peck, einen
                              "Amerikaner", der im Frühling
                              1969 bei einer Demonstration festgenommen
                              worden war. Dabei wird ein Zitat von
                              Martin Luther King gezeigt: "Komm
                              nach Hause Amerika. Komm nach Hause von
                              deinem dunklen Rassismusland... von deinem
                              tragischen, rücksichtslosen Abenteuer in
Demonstration with a quote of Martin Luther King: He calls "USA" from Vietnam back - text

Text: "Come home America. Come home from your dark country of racism ... from your tragic, reckless adventure in Vietnam." - Dr. Martin Luther King"

Martin Luther King ruft die
                                  "USA" aus Vietnam zurück,

Text: "Regardless of prevention, a number of Americans participated in the campaign against the war in the first months of the Nixon Administration. They supported Jim Peck, an American who was arrested in a demonstration in the spring of 1969."

Eine Blume ist stärker als
                              alle Waffen
A flower is stronger than all weapons
Eine Blume ist stärker
                            als alle Waffen, Text
March to the Pentagon with 100,000 people - Oct 21, 1967

Text: "Washington DC 21 October 1967: While taking part in a march for peace in Viet Nam outside the Pentagon, Jame Rose Kasmir holding a flower in the hand and standing in front of a row soldiers whose rifles are loaded during a U.S. demonstration against the war in Viet Nam as a symbol of praying for peace."
"US" resistence against Vietnam War and against Johnson: burning the draft cards
By burning the draft card for the NATO military, the resistance fighters willingly accepted a prison sentence. On the whole, however, it was better to go to prison because survival was guaranteed there - whereas in Vietnam death often awaited.
David Miller und andere
                              verbrennen ihre Einzugskarten für die
                              kriminelle NATO
David Miller and others are burning their draft cards for criminal NATO
David Miller verbrennt seine
                              Einzugskarte (15. Oktober 1965): David
                              Miller verbrennt seine Einzugskarte und
                              verweigert damit, nach Vietnam zu gehen.
David Miller burning his draft card (Oct 15, 1965)

David Miller
                            verbrennt seine Einzugskarte, Text
David Miller burning his draft card, text

Text: "David Miller is burning his draft card thus refusing to go to Vietnam."
Eine Gruppe
                              verbrennen am 6. Januar 1965 ihre
                              Einzugskarten: Junge Männer verbrannten am
                              6. Januar 1965 ihre Einzugskarten zum
                              Militär während einer Demonstration gegen
                              die "US"-Aggression in Vietnam.
A group of "U.S." conscientious objectors burn their draft cards on January 6, 1965

Eine Gruppe
                              verbrennen am 6. Januar 1965 ihre
                              Einzugskarten, Text
Text: "U.S. youths burnt their military draft cards in the demonstration against the U.S. aggression in Vietnam, January 6, 1965"

"U.S." resistance to the Vietnam War and to Nixon: Refusal of orders by B52 pilot Michael Heck
Flugzeugkapitän Heck verweigert
                                  B52-Einsätze in Nordvietnam
Aircraft captain tail refuses B52 missions in North Vietnam
                                      Michael Heck: Michael Heck war 30
                                      Jahre alt, ein Flugkapitän eines
                                      B52-Bombers, einer
                                      "fliegenden Festung",
                                      als er 1972 weitere Flüge für
                                      Bombenmissionen über
                                      nordvietnamesischen Zielen
Aircraft captain Michael Heck
Flugkapitän Michael Heck
                                      Flugkapitän Michael Heck, Text
Aircraft captain Michael Heck, text

Text: "Captain Michael Heck, an American B-52 Stratofortress pilot, 30 years old, refused to continue flying bombing missions over North Vietnamese targets in late 1972."

Der Bericht von
                                                    Newsweek vom 22.
                                                    Januar 1973 über den
                                                    Flugkapitän Heck,
                                                    der seit 1972 Flüge
                                                    mit B52-Bombern
                                                    verweigerte Text
Newsweek's January 22, 1973 report on Captain Heck, who had refused flights with B52 bombers since 1972


"Dear Mom and Pop," the letter began. "I've taken a very drastic step. I've refused to take part in the war any longer. I cannot in good conscience be a part of it." Air Force Capt. Michael Heck's action was indeed a drastic step.

It was revealed last week that the 30-year-old B-52 flight commander, who had flown 262 combat missions in Indochina, had abruptly refused to fly a bombing raid over North Vietnam and submitted his resignation from the Air Force - thus becoming the first U.S. pilot known to have refused to go into combat since the Vietnam air war began more than eight years ago.

It was the day after Christmas when the torrential U.S. bombing of the north resuined - that Heck made his difficult decision. "The goals do not justify the mass destruction and killing," explained the pilot, who hold the Distinguished Flying Cross and eleven air medals. "There is enough suffering just in South Vietnam to warrant a discontinuation of the war. But the massive bombing of the north might have been the last straw and, I think, the step that specifically ppushed me over the brink." Heck, a short, plump draduate of President Nixon's alma mater, Whither College, said he would refuse to be reassigned to any other combat job in Indochina, even if it meant going to jail. "I can live with prison," he said, "easier than I can with taking part in the war."

Now in the midst of his fourth combat tour in Indochina, the Thailand-based pilot brushed aside arguments that only military objectives were targeted. "Anytime you bomb on the massive scale we did up there," Heck said, "there's bound to be bombs off targe."

"No Chicken": Heck received endorsements from a good many Air Force pilots. "He's gotta be a bell of a guy," said Cuam-based Capt. Billy Parker. "Anyone who's flown 262 missions is no chicken, so I say he's entitled to his opinion." That was hardly the view of the Air Force, however, which is expected to press for a heavy court-martial sentence. "If Heck gets off with a kiss on the check," said one Pentagon official, "he won't be the last guy who pulls this sort of thing."

Already, in fact, the Air Force in facing a second problem spawned by the massive bombing of North Vietnam. In a letter to Maryland Sen. Charles Mathias, Jr., an unidentified airman accused the Air Force of endangering the lives of B-52 crew members by falling to change the flight patterns over Hanoi for three nights in a row. "Because of these failings," the flier wrote, "the aircraft directly in front of us was shot down." The Pentagon countered that charge. "In that small an area," said an official, "there are only so many ways to come and go." Even Heck rejected the flier's charge. "I konw his gripe," Heck said, "but a good attempt was made to correct the situation after the first couple of missions."

[Heck is not the first one - Pentagon elected the case of Heck]

Despite concern over the pilots' stance, the Defense Department maintains that, given the vast member of men involved in the air war, it was only a matter of time before one or two balked or complained. And though there have been reports that other B-52 crew members had objected to their missions and were quietly transferred rather than court-martialed, the Air Force last week insisted that Heck was "the first and only" officer to refuse to fly.

"U.S." resistance to the Vietnam War and to Johnson: self-immolations in 1965
Morrison und Laporte, die
                                  Selbstverbrenner aus Protest gegen den
                                  kriminellen Vietnamkrieg
Morrison and Laporte, self-immolators on Nov 2 and 10, 1965 - protesting against criminal Vietnam War
Die Selbstverbrennung von Norman R.
                                Morrison (2. November 1965): Das
                                Portrait von Norman R. Morrison. Der
                                "Amerikaner" verbrannte sich
                                vor dem Pentagon selbst (2. Nov.1965),
                                aus Protest gegen den aggressiven
                                "US"-Krieg in Vietnam.
Self-immolation of Norman R. Morrison (Nov 2, 1965)

                            Selbstverbrennung von Norman R. Morrison (2.
                            November 1965), Text
Self-immolation of Norman R. Morrison (Nov 2, 1965), text

Text: "The portrait of Norman R. Morrison, the American who burned himself in front of the Pentagon to Protest against the U.S. aggressive war in Viet Nam."

Die Selbstverbrennung von Roger Allen
                              Laporte (10. November 1965)
Self-immolation of Roger Allen Laporte (Nov 10, 1965)

Die Selbstverbrennung von
                                  Roger Allen Laporte (10. November
                                  1965), Text
Self-immolation of Roger Allen Laporte (Nov 10, 1965), text

Text: "Picture of the young man R. Laporte, 22 years old, soaked in gasoline and burnt himself in front of the United Nations Headquarters to protest the U.S. aggressive war in Viet Nam."

New Year 1968: Telegram from Ho Chi Minh to "American" friends
Telegramm von Ho Chi Minh an
                              "US"-Freunde in den
                              "USA" 1968 - und der
                              Helikopterpilot Thompson, der auch
                              Vietnamesen das Leben rettete
Telegram from Ho Chi Minh to "US" friends in the "USA" in 1968 - and the helicopter pilot Thompson, who also saved lives of Vietnamese people

Telegramm von
                              Ho Chi Minh an "US"-Freunde in
                              den "USA" 1968
Telegram from Ho Chi Minh to "US" friends in the "USA" 1968
New Year's Day 1968 telegram from President Ho Chi Minh to "American" friends who fought for freedom, peace and justice against the "US" imperialist war in Vietnam

"Telegram sent by President Ho Chi Minh to American friends who are struggling for freedom, peace and justice against the US imperialist war in Vietnam on the occasion of 1968 New Year's

On the occasion of 1968 New Year, I wish you a Happy New Year. As you know, there is no Vietnamese coming to make trouble in the United States. Yet, there are more than half a million U.S. GIs coming to South Vietnam along with over 70.0000 puppet and allied troops to massacre Vietnamese people, to burn and destroy Vietnamese villages and cities.
In North Vietnam, thousands of U.S. planes have dropped over 800,000 tons of bombs, destorying schools, churches, hospitals, dikes and populated areas.
The U.S . government forces thousands and thousands American youths to die and to get wounded uselessly on battlefields in Vietnam.
For its war in Vietnam, the U.S. government wastes each year tens of billion dollars, the money of American people's sweat and tears.
In brief, the U.S. aggressors not only commit crimes against Vietnam but also cause deaths and harm as well as dishonor of the United States.
You are striving to struggle to demand that the U.S. government stop its aggressive war in Vietnam, both to protect and thus you are defending the just cause and supporting us.
For the independence, freedom and unification of our motherland, for our aspiration to live peacefully with all the nations in the wolrd, including the United STates, the whole Vietnamese people are unanimously determined to fight against the U.S. aggressive imperialists. We are supported by friends all over the world.
Our victory is certain, and yours is, too.
Thank you all for supporting Vietnam.
Best wished
Ho Chi Minh
November 17, 1965: Vietnamese lawyer Nguyen Huu Tho comments on the 3 self-immolations in the "USA"
Der Bericht
                              über 3 Brandselbstmorde von Nguyen Huu To
                              - und der Helikopterpilot Thompson
The account of 3 fire suicides of Nguyen Huu To - and the helicopter pilot Thompson
                              Huu To: Der Bericht über 3
                              Brandselbstmorde: Norman Morrison
                              (2.11.1965) - Roger Laporte (9.11.1965) -
                              Sili Janekowski (11.11.1965)
Nguyen Huu To: The account of 3 arson suicides: Norman Morrison (2.11.1965) - Roger Laporte (9.11.1965) - Sili Janekowski (11.11.1965)

The report of the Vietnamese lawyer Nguyen Huu Tho about 3 "American" workers with self-immolation as resistance to the aggressive "US" war against Vietnam: Norman Morrison (2.11.1965) - Roger Laporte (9.11.1965) - Sili Janekowski (11.11.1965)

In early November 1965, three American citizens, in turn, soaked in petrol and self burned to oppose the aggressive war by the Johnson Administration against Vietnam: Norman Morrison, a 31 year-old man, self-burned in front of the U.S. Defense Department on November 2, 1965, Roger Laporte, a young worker, self-burned in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York on November 9, 1965, and 2 days later, Sili Janekowski of Indiana state. Morrison and Laporte were killed. Sili Janekowski was seriously injured.

All the three people were security for the United and 'freedom' for the American people, normal Americans, married, and living in affection with their wives, husbands, and children. However, the U.S. ruling community realized its plot by forcing young men to come to South Vietnam to accept a shameful and meaningless death. They became indignant because their government deceived the people, trampled on the basic rights of the U.S. citizens and sidhonored the U.S. people. So, along with these fellow citizens, they struggled against the unjust war of the Johnson government in South Vietnam. They strongly protested the war by self-immolation. They used their deaths to reveal their enmity on the aggressive war, and to prove their decisive will, also the will of millions of honest Americans who loved the right cause.

Meanwhile they opposed the savage and unlawful action of the Johnson ["US" President] - McNamara ["US" boss of foreign affairs] collectivity who spent aggressive war at a place far from the United States hundred thousands of miles to protect the so-called.

The noble sacrifice of Morrison, Laporte, and Sili Janekowski for the right cause, for freedom, for human love (Laporte's mother's statement) along with the support of their friends and families unmasked the cheating allegation of the U.S. government.

The presidium of the Central Committee of the South Vietnam National Liberation Front and all the people of South Vietnam respectfully bowed down before the sacrifice for the right cause of Morrison, Laporte, and Janekowski, and sent condolences to their failies and to all American who loved peace and the right cause.

South Vietnam, 17 November 1965
The Chairman of the Presidium of the Control Committee of the South Vietnamese Liberation Front
Lawyer Nguyen Huu Tho"

My Lai Massacre March 16, 1968: "US" helicopter pilots Thompson and Colburn, who also helped Vietnamese
Helikopterpilot Hugh Thompson,
                                  Lebensretter in My Lai auch für
                                  Vietnamesen - 16. März 1968  Helikopterpilot Lawrence Colburn,
                                  Lebensretter in My Lai auch für
                                  Vietnamesen - 16. März 1968  Helikopterpiloten, die
                                      auch Vietnamesen retteten: Hugh
                                      Thompson und Lawrence Colburn -
Helicopter pilots who also rescued Vietnamese in My Lai on March 16, 1968: Hugh Thompson and Lawrence Colburn

Text: "Hug Thompson and Lawrence Colburn were two "U.S." Army helicopter pilots who also saved the lives of at least 10 Vietnamese civilians. It happened during the unholy massacre of unarmed, non-combatant civilians by "American" troops in Mỹ Lai, Quảng Ngãi Province, on March 16, 1968."

Demonstrations against the Vietnam War without end in the "USA"
Drei Demonstrationen in
                              den "USA" gegen den kriminellen
Three demonstrations in the "USA" against the criminal Vietnam War
                                gegen den Vietnamkrieg 1965 mit einer
                                Rollstuhlfahrerin als Frontfrau: Am 20.
                                November 1965 marschierten über 10.000
                                Menschen demonstrierend von Berkeley
                                nach Oakland. In der vordersten Reihe
                                war eine 84-jähriege Frau im Rollstuhl
                                mit einem Schild mit dem Aufruf:
                                "Mein Sohn starb vergebens. Hört
                                auf zu kämpfen, geht ins
                                Gefängnis".  Demonstration gegen den
                                Vietnamkrieg 1965 mit einer
                                Rollstuhlfahrerin als Frontfrau, Text
Demonstration of 20 November 1965 against the Vietnam War with a wheelchair user as the front woman

Text: "On Nov 20, 1965, over 10,000 people marched from Berkeley to Oakland, Leading the group was an 84-year-old woman sitting in a wheel-chair carrying a slogan "My son died in vain. Don't fight. Go to prison".
Ein Kind vor einem
                              Friedhof mit einem Gedicht  Ein Kind vor einem
                            Friedhof mit einem Gedicht, Text
A child in front of a cemetery with a poem

When I was a child
I spoke  as a child
I understood as a child
I thought as a child
But when I became a man
I put away children things.

Demonstration gegen
                                den kriminellen Vietnamkrieg auf Hawaii,
                                5. Februar 1966: Menschen auf den
                                Hawaii-Inseln demonstrierten
                                protestierend gegen die Ankunft von
                                ["US"-Präsident] Johnson, der
                                hier ein militärisches Treffen mit der
                                Vietnam-Militärkommission abhielt - 5.
                                Februar 1966  Demonstration gegen den
                                kriminellen Vietnamkrieg auf Hawaii
                                1966, Text
Demonstration against the criminal Vietnam War in Hawaii, February 5, 1966

Text: "Residents on Hawaii Island demonstraated, protesting against [President] Johnson's arrival for the meeting with the Military Commission on Vietnam at Honolulu, February 5, 1966

Vietnam has NEVER attacked "USA".

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