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Learner: Primary Nations in the "US" territory (natives, indians)

7. Alaska

Aleuts, Inuits, Tlingits

Map of
                        the "USA" with natives primary
                        nations: at the West coast are the Chinook, the
                        Pomo, and the Chumash   Map of
                          Alaska with natives of Aleuts, Inuits and
                          Tlingits before 1600
Map of the "USA" with natives primary nations [1] -  Map of Alaska with natives of Aleuts, Inuits and Tlingits before 1600 [3]

"Reservation" = open-air concentration camp.

This is a principle: Bible + stock market = barbarism + destruction of  other cultures + genocide

presented by Michael Palomino (2023)



from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians2.html (in 2023 not online any more)


7. Arctic tribes

7.1. Arctic tribes: Aleut (on the Aleut Islands)

Map of Alaska
                                      with natives of Aleuts, Inuits and
                                      Tlingits before 1600    Map
                  of the Aleut Islands (island arc)
Map of Alaska with natives of Aleuts, Inuits and Tlingits before 1600 [2] - map of the Aleut Islands (island arc) [7]

The Aleuts, native inhabitants of the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwestern Alaska, built villages on bays in areas where sea mammals flourished and where they had access to freshwater salmon streams and stones for making tools. Villages had high lookout points for spotting enemies and whales, which they typically hunted for food, along with sea lions, seals, fox, caribou, and a variety of fish. The Aleuts lived in longhouses and traveled in skin-covered boats.

They encountered Russian fur traders, who came to the area in search of sea otters, fur seals, and foxes in about 1750, and were quickly devastated by this contact. Disease killed many, and the Russians exploited Aleut hunting skills, depleting the food supply and forcing many Aleuts into slavery. Over the next 100 years, [the criminal English speaking "Christian" came with his fatasy Jesus, and] the population rapidly decreased due to disease [the "Christians" gave toxic blankets as a "gift"] and harsh treatment [torture is another standard of these crazy criminal "Christians" with their fantasy Jesus].

[Well, this eternal "Christian" terrorism must stop, they should go to a reserve for being terminated].


7.2. Arctic tribes: the Inuit

Inuits totem poles    Map of
                          Alaska with natives of Aleuts, Inuits and
                          Tlingits before 1600  
Inuits totem poles [3] -  Map of Alaska with natives of Aleuts, Inuits and Tlingits before 1600 [2]

Living in the harsh, frigid climate along the arctic coast of Alaska, the Inuit survived by hunting and fishing whales, walruses, caribou, and seals in single-passenger, covered seal-skin boats called qajait. From hunting these animals, the Inuit were able to fashion the items they needed for survival, including tools, clothing, shelter, transportation, and trade goods.

The Inuit were nomadic, living in igloos built of snow in the winter and tents made of bone and skins in the summer. They bred huskies and used dog sleds to transport them over the icy terrain.

In 1576, the Inuits encountered British explorer Martin Frobisher as he searched for the Northwest Passage. By 1763, the British ["Christian" colonialists with a fantasy Jesus] had established whaling stations in Inuit territory. The Inuits discovered that Europeans had trade goods that could improve their lifestyle and often raided foreign trading posts in search of metals. The Inuit population suffered greatly from new diseases introduced by Europeans as well as from the social disruptions caused by encroachment on their whaling grounds [food shortage and hunger].

[Criminal "Christians" are robbing everything - so they were also robbed].


7.3. Arctic tribes: the Tlingit

Tlingit totem poles in Ketchikan Alaska.    Map of
                          Alaska with natives of Aleuts, Inuits and
                          Tlingits before 1600  
Tlingit totem poles in Ketchikan Alaska [3] -  Map of Alaska with natives of Aleuts, Inuits and Tlingits before 1600 [2]

Living on islands and in the coastal region of southern Alaska, the Tlingit are well known for their totem poles, many of which remain standing today. Hunting game and sea mammals and fishing provided the tribe with food as well as trade goods. The Tlingit traded furs and slaves among their tribes and had a complex social system.

In the 1740s Russian [fantasy Jesus "Christians"] fur trappers and traders encountered the Tlingit. By the early 1800s, the Tlingit were fighting the Russians. The fighting didn't end even after 1867, when the " U.S." [Jesus fantasy "Christians"] purchased the Alaska territory from the [Jesus fantasy "Christian"] Russians. By the 1880s most of the land used by the tribe was controlled by the [Jesus fantasy "Christian"] "U.S." government, and the Tlingit began being absorbed into the population through religious conversion.

[Conversion to a fantasy god from Rome, fantasy Jesus from Asia and fantasy devil from fantasy hell - what a horror is this criminal "Christianity". What counts is Mother Earth, there were always gods - back to the roots!]

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Photo sources
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians2.html (in 2023 not online any more)
[7] Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleuten
