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Learner: Primary Nations in the "US" territory (natives, indians)

6. Natives at the West coast of the "USA"

Chinook, Pomo, Cumash

Map of the
                    "USA" with natives primary nations: at the
                    West coast are the Chinook, the Pomo, and the
                    Chumash   map: natives in
                    the West of the "USA" and in Alaska
Map of the "USA" with natives primary nations [1] - map: natives in the West of the "USA" and in Alaska [3]

"Reservation" = open-air concentration camp.

the Golden Three - the three golden vegetables

Trail of Tears

This is a principle: Bible + stock market = barbarism + destruction of  other cultures + genocide

presented by Michael Palomino (2023)



from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians2.html (in 2023 not online any more)


6. Natives at the West Coast of the "USA"

6.1. Northwest Coast Tribe: Chinook

Map with the
                Chinook natives at the West coast of today's Oregon and
                Washington state    Map: natives in
                    the West of the "USA" and in Alaska  
Map with the Chinook natives at the West coast of today's Oregon and Washington state [2]  - map: natives in the West of the "USA" and in Alaska [3]

River dwellers living in northwest Oregon along the Columbia River, the Chinook were known for their fishing skills and as traders. They were expert whale hunters and relied heavily on salmon fishing for both survival and trade. Using a trading language understood by many different tribes and groups, the Chinook traded furs, fish, canoes, shells, and slaves for other items they needed.

American explorers Lewis and Clark encountered the Chinook as they explored the Columbia River region in 1805. Although the tribe welcomed European traders, the Chinook population was devastated by diseases brought by these foreigners. The tribe was nearly extinct by 1900 when it decided to merge with other tribes in the area.

[Giving pathogens and deadly diseases is a big hobby of the criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" - the Vatican's Jesuit laboratories also supplied the Incas with their deadly delivery].


6.2. Central West Coast


West coast of
                the "USA": Pomo natives with baskets, mortar,
                and pestle.    Map: natives in
                    the West of the "USA" and in Alaska  
West coast of the "USA": Pomo natives with baskets, mortar, and pestle [4] - map: natives in the West of the "USA" and in Alaska [3]

This peaceful tribe lived in coastal and inland areas of California, often traveling between the regions in search of food and supplies. They were known for their basketry skills and the use of money made from carefully formed pieces of clam shells. The Pomo lived in circular homes made of wooden poles, mud, and reeds called wickiups. Their villages coexisted peacefully, with families and bands owning specific areas of land that were well marked. Only when property rights were violated did the Pomo take up arms against each other.

When Russian fur traders established a colony in Pomo territory in 1811, a good relationship was formed between the two. As more settlers entered Pomo lands, they were raided by Mexicans [criminal "Christians" with a fantasy Jesus] seeking slaves and endured epidemics of smallpox and cholera [the traditional "gifts" of criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians"]. With the Gold Rush, the Pomo territory became even more sought after by [Jesus fantasy] settlers, and the [criminal "Christian"] "U.S." government forced the tribe onto a reservation in 1857 [this is just one more open air concentration camp].

[The criminal Jesus fantasy governments NEVER protected Native Americans - so it's time for these criminal "Christians" in the "USA" to finally disappear onto the reservation and the planet will be liberated from the eternal terrorism of the infertile gay Vatican].


6.3. Southern West Coast


[no description]

Map: natives
                      in the West of the "USA" and in Alaska
 Map: natives in the West of the "USA" and in Alaska [3]

Chumach: Strohütte   Chumash:
                    Muschelkette   Chumash in Tomol-Kanu rudern auf dem Pazifik
Chumach: straw hut [5] - Chumash: shell necklace [6] - Chumash in a Tomol canoe rowing on the Pacific [7]

Summary from Mossad Wikipedia
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chumash (the word "Christian" is never mentioned in the Wikipedia as a cause of the holocaust of the Chumash natives)

Way of life of the Chumash natives
According to ethnology, the Chumash have lived in the region of today's Los Angeles with the Channel Islands and the backyard region since 9000 before 0. They were fishermen, bead producers, on the land they hunted wild animals, especially deer, they were well educated in cultivation, herbalism and traded coastal goods on the land and land goods on the coast. The deer hunting was done disguised as deer. Their tomol plank canoes were Pacific-suited, large deep-sea fish were also caught, and tools were made from shells, e.g., fishhooks from the red abalone. The Chumash defined a "third gender" as "aqi": when a man dressed in women's clothing did female work or for gays. Certain ethnologists think Polynesians came to visit around 400 to 800 after 0, from whom the sewn planks of the canoes were adopted. Other ethnologists think that this was a development of their own that can be traced over centuries. The diet consisted largely of acorns with acorn mash with fish or meat. The Chumash language was the "Barbareño" with the dialects
Barbareño, Ineseño, Ventureño and Obispeño. The Chumash evaluate everything with the factors alive, intelligent, dangerous and sacred. Time is divided into two periods before and after the universal flood [meteorite impact], the last period is with the destructive Europeans [criminal "Christians" who destroy EVERYTHING and learn NOTHING].

The worldview is based on the universe having three to five layers, of which humans inhabit the middle region, "resting on two giant serpents" (Susan Suntree):

"The middle region (sometimes called "antap"), where people and spirits of this world live and where shamans can go on vision quests, is connected to the lower world (C'oyinahsup) by the springs and marshes and to the upper world by the mountains. Snakes, frogs, and salamanders live in the lower world. The world trembles or shakes when the snakes that support the world are moving. Water creatures are also in contact with the powers of the lower world and "were often depicted in rock art, perhaps to bring more water to the Chumash or to appease the spirits of the lower world in times of hunger or sickness. "Itiashap is the home of the First People. Alapay, in Chumash cosmology, is the upper world where the "sky people" lived. They play an important role in the health of the people. The main figures of the sky world include the sun, the moon, the lizard, the sky coyote and the eagle. The sun is the source of life, but also "a source of disease and death." [39]

Die "christliche" Invasion begann mit Juan Cabrillo 1542 von Süden her, er führte Tagebuch und notierte Dörfer und Bevölkerungszahlen. Immer wieder kamen spanisch-"christliche" Schiffe auf "Besuch" und es setzten plötzlich epidemische Krankheiten ein [wahrscheinlich wurden verseuchte Decken "verschenkt"]. 1769 besetzten spanische "Christen"-Militärs einfach so die Küste und 1770 standen da bei San Diego und Monterey plötzlich Jesus-Fantasie-Missionen und Militärstützpunkte. Von 1772 bis 1817 wurden alle Bevölkerungen der Chumash-Dörfer in diese Missionen der Jesus-Fantasie-Franziskaner gezwungen, und am Ende 1816 wurden sogar die Kanalinseln entvölkert und die Insel-Chumash in die Missionen deportiert. Ende 18. Jh. um 1790 lebten gemäss verschiedenen Anthropologen zwischen 10.000 und 18.000 Chumash auf der Erde, und nun begannen die Jesus-Fantasie-"Christen", die Küste mit Siedlern zu "kolonisieren".

Spanish "Christian" invaders from 1542: spreading epidemics + missionary terrorism with Jesus fantasy Franciscans
The "Christian" invasion began with Juan Cabrillo in 1542 from the south, he kept a diary and noted villages and population numbers. Spanish "Christian" ships kept coming for "visits" and epidemic diseases suddenly set in [probably contaminated blankets were "given away"]. In 1769 Spanish "Christian" militaries occupied the coast just like that and in 1770 there were suddenly installed Jesus fantasy missions and military bases near San Diego and Monterey. From 1772 to 1817 all the populations of the Chumash villages were forced into these Jesus Fantasy Franciscan missions, and at the end of 1816 even the Channel Islands were depopulated and the island Chumash deported to the missions. By the end of the 18th century around 1790, according to various anthropologists, there were between 10,000 and 18,000 Chumash living on Earth, and now the Jesus Fantasy "Christians" began to "colonize" the coast with settlers [white and "Christian" racists].

Mexico 1834-1848: Chumash flee and are poor with mini-jobs
From 1834-1848, the "Christian" Catholic Jesus fantasy terrorism of Mexico reigned in California. The Chumash fled inland, were persecuted, expelled, or enslaved, or they found jobs with a minimum salary on Mexican large estates (ranches). Violence and murders against the Chumash now became commonplace, further decimating the Chumash.

"USA" in California from 1848: Total genocide - mini-reservation "Santa Ynez" - language dies out
In 1848, the English-criminal "Christian" "USA" "took over" California, and now the genocide against the Chumash began in earnest. In 1855 a piece of land of 120 acres was reserved for 100 remaining Chumash at the Jesus Fantasy Mission "Santa Ynez" ("Saint Ines"), northwest of Los Angeles about 8km inland, this remained the only protected area of the Chumash until today (2023). In 1900, there were 200 Chumash. In 1901, the "Santa Ynez" area was established as a "reservation" (open-air concentration camp)
of 127 acres. The language was not maintained. In 1965, the last Chumash native speaking  "Barbareño" died, it was Mary Yee.

Genealogical research from 1970s
-- in the 1970s, genealogy began, dissemination of Chumash traditions, from 1976 new Tomol group canoes were built, a brotherhood of the Tomol canoes was established (Brotherhood of the Tomol), island circumnavigations were performed, etc., the second Tomol canoe was built in 1997.
-- a documentary film has the Chumash as subject "A Chumash Family History", among others showing Mary Yee
-- a book by Thomas Blackburn from 1980 describes the Chumash in oral traditions: "December's Child: A Book of Chumash Oral Narratives".

Genealogical research: reservation - museum - national park
In 1990, 213 Chumash lived in the Santa Ynez Reservation [north west of Los Angeles about 8km inland]. Individual Chumash continue to live with families in the former Southern California. West of Los Angeles, a
Chumash Indian Museum has been established in the town of "1000 Oaks" ("Thousand Oaks"). By 2023, there are approximately 5000 Chumash members, many of whom have ancestral homes in the Channel Islands, which are defined as a national park (Channel Islands National Park).

Genealogical research: Chumash language
In 2008 the first Chumash dictionary came out with 600 pages and 4000 entries, and there is also a Samala dictionary with over 2000 illustrations.

There is a mini-Chumash language school based on the records of linguist Mr. John Peabody Harrington:
-- since 2010 at the "Šmuwič Chumash Language School" in Wishtoyo's Chumash Village, active until 2012,
-- since 2014 at the American Indian Health and Services in Santa Barbara
-- since 2016 in Santa Paula
-- led by Elder Johnny Moreno and his niece Deborah Sanchez.

-- Ineseño = s'amala /sʔamala/
-- Barbareño people = Šmuwič.

Currently (2023), there are 14 recognized Chumash tribes with 2000 to 5000 Chumash, depending on the estimate: "One Chumash tribe, the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa Ynez Reservation, is a federally recognized tribe, and other Chumash peoples are enrolled in the federally recognized Tejon Indian Tribe of California. There are 14 groups of Chumash Indians." [40]

[Conclusion: Criminal "Christians" go to your reservation!
[And one comes clearly to the conclusion also here: the criminal "Christians" with their fantasy God from Rome, with their fantasy Jesus from Asia, and their fantasy devil from fantasy hell, should finally go to the reservation, to leave the planet in peace! The criminal "Christians" should go to hell which they have invented themselves].

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Photo sources
[1,2,3] from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians2.html (in 2023 not online any more)
Chumach: straw hut: http://withoutwings.org.uk/2011/11/09/the-chumash-indians-of-santa-barbara/
Chumash: shell necklace: https://www.rgmunnauctions.com/CHUMASH-SHELL-NECKLACE_i30563909
Chumash in a Tomol canoe rowing on the Pacific: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chumash_people
