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Learner: Primary Nations in the "US" territory (natives, indians)

3. South East tribes of the "USA"

Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, Chocktaw, Natchez, Seminole

Map of the
                    "USA" with natives primary nations: at the
                    West coast are the Chinook, the Pomo, and the
                    Chumash   Map of the "USA" with natives
                            primary nations: in the East
Map of the "USA" with natives primary nations [1] in the East [2]

"Reservation" = open-air concentration camp.

the Golden Three - the three golden vegetables

Trail of Tears

This is a principle: Bible + stock market = barbarism + destruction of  other cultures + genocide

presented by Michael Palomino (2023)



from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians6.html (in 2023 not online any more)


3. Natives in the South East


Natives in dhe
                "USA": map with Cherokee in Carolina+Georgia   Map of the
                        "USA" with natives primary nations: in
                        the East
Natives in dhe "USA": map with Cherokee in Carolina+Georgia [3] - Map of the "USA" with natives in the East [2]

The Cherokee lived along the fertile rivers of Georgia and the Carolinas and were primarily agricultural, growing corn, beans, sweet potatoes, and squash [the golden three and potatoes?]. They also collected wild plants and relied on fishing and hunting for survival. Members of this matriarchal society lived in log and mud huts stationed around a seven-sided council house that was the center of the village. The Cherokee developed an 80-symbol language and used the printing press to teach it to nearly all of its members by 1810.

The Cherokee first encountered Europeans in 1540 when [the Spanish "Christian" invador] Hernando de Soto ventured into their territory [coming from the South]. Beginning in the 1760s, the Cherokee battled white settlers [from "New England"] who wanted their land. War and disease [distribution of smallpox with contaminated blankets] brought by the settlers forced the tribe to withdraw to the Blue Ridge Mountains, and they eventually signed over large areas of their land to the British and then the U.S. With the discovery of gold in Georgia and the signing of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 by U.S. President Andrew Jackson, the Cherokee were forced to make a six-month trek to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) in 1838. Known as the "Trail of Tears," it claimed the lives of 4,000 of the approximately 14,000 Cherokees who began the journey.

["USA" have ther base on the mass murder and genocide of the natives and are therefore an ILLEGAL state].



Natives in the "USA": map with Chickasaw
                in Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi   Map of the
                        "USA" with natives primary nations: in
                        the East
Natives in the "USA": map with Chickasaw in Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi [4] - Map of the "USA" with natives in the East [2]

Known as great hunters and warriors, the Chickasaw lived in the Mississippi Valley region, including Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama. Towns were spread out with a council house used for meetings, ceremonies, and ballgames in the center. Most Chickasaw families had two homes, one made of woven mats and bark roofs for summer and another circular in shape, three feet below ground level [with earth walls for earth warmth], and plastered and whitewashed for winter. In addition, families had a storage building for corn and supplies.

The Chickasaw first encountered Europeans in 1540 when [the Spanish invador] Hernando de Soto explored their region [coming from the Caribbean]. He was driven out of the area, and the tribe didn't face outsiders again until about 100 years later when English traders arrived [coming from the east]. Wanting to barter with these traders, the tribe expanded its hunting ground and began conquering other tribes. The Chickasaw first allied with the British and then with the U.S. to prevent the French [coming from the north] and Spanish [coming from the south] from taking their lands. [The Chickasaw were encircled by the criminal "Christians"]. By the 1830s, the Chickasaw had signed numerous treaties with the U.S. ceding their land and in 1834 moved to Oklahoma.

[The "Trail of Tears" of 1834 was a total breach of previous treaties. "Christians" NEVER have in mind to keep any treaties, but always manipulate someone to the fantasy God, or then comes the destruction. Other mass murders by the "Christians" are the mass murders against Jews, against women and midwives, against Cathars, Waldensians and Templars, against European natives, racism in Africa, slavery in India, concentration camps in India, organization of slave trade with mass murder on the ships by bad conditions,  Persecution and murder of logicians and scientists by torture and pyres, and heaps of manipulations and destruction of careers by espionage. It is time that this criminal "Christianity" is finally banned and the planet will be free of them. Where is the international court against these hypercriminal "Christians"?].



Natives in the
                "USA": map with Creek in Alabama and Georgia   Map of the
                        "USA" with natives primary nations: in
                        the East
Natives in the "USA": map with Creek in Alabama and Georgia [5] - Map of the "USA" with natives in the East [2]

Living in Georgia and Alabama, the Creek were a dominant tribe of the southeast. Their homes consisted of huts shingled with wood or grass built around a plaza that held a rotunda used for dancing, religious ceremonies, and games. Rooted firmly in their communities, the Creek had vast farms and raised livestock.

The Creek first encountered Europeans when the Spanish established missions in their area. During the colonial era, they were allies of the British against the Spanish. The Creeks went to war with the U.S. in the early 1800s and fought bitterly for their land. When the Creek War of 1814 ended, the U.S. government forced the tribe to relocate to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) and seized Creek land as their own.

["Christians" always feel "chosen" to rob and destroy other cultures - with the Jesus fantasy Bible in one hand - with the gun in the other hand - and with the criminal Gay Vatican in Rome in the background. Stealing and robbing is normal for "Christians" to blackmail people to the fantasy God, and if the Jesus fantasy mission does not succeed in this blackmail-criminal maneuver, then the enemy will be destroyed - until the "Christians" are finally destroyed].



Natives in the
                "USA": map with Chocktaw in Alabama and
                Mississippi   Map of the
                        "USA" with natives primary nations: in
                        the East
Natives in the "USA": map with Chocktaw in Alabama and Mississippi [6] - Map of the "USA" with natives in the East [2]

Occupying the Mississippi Valley and parts of Alabama, the Choctaw were farmers who lived in a matriarchal society. A peaceful people, the Choctaw saw economic opportunities and sold goods and livestock to the Europeans who ventured into their territory. Between 1801 and 1830, the Choctaw made a series of treaties with the U.S. government, ceding 23 million acres of land. They were forced to relocate to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) in 1832. Once on the reservation, the Choctaw adapted to white culture through interaction with missionaries.

[The criminal Jesus fantasy Church had won new sheep: Natural medicine is supposed to be "dirty", is supposed to be "sorcery" ("withcraft"), and the fantasies from Rome and from Asia are supposed to be the truth - so the old cultures were destroyed again and again not only with compulsory clothing, but also with censorship against Mother Earth].



Natives in the
                "USA": map with Natchez natives in
                Mississippi   Map of the
                        "USA" with natives primary nations: in
                        the East
Natives in the "USA": map with Natchez natives in Mississippi [7] - Map of the "USA" with natives in the East [2]

Farmers living in Mississippi, the Natchez, grew corn, beans, and squash [the golden three: corn as stalks, beans growing up the corn, and squash with it's shade keeping the ground cool] , and also relied on fishing and hunting for survival. Their society was organized into two classes, nobility and commoner, which was determined by birth through the female line. Moundbuilding was an integral part of the Natchez culture and tribal religion. They built large, flat-topped mounds, where members of the tribe would gather for social or religious events.

The Natchez first encountered European explorers in 1682 [Spaniards from the Caribbean]. By 1716, the French [coming from the north passing the Plains] had established a fort in Natchez territory, which became the center of their colony and a source of conflict between them and the Natchez. The British [coming from the east from "New England"] also wanted control of North American territory, and in the 1720s convinced some of the Natchez to turn against the French. By 1729, war had erupted between the Natchez and the French. The French defeated the Natchez, forcing them to disperse and be absorbed by other tribes, including the Chickasaws, Creeks, and Cherokees.

[France is Catholic to this day and the political "elite" is directly under the command of the criminal Gay Jesus Fantasy Vatican].

[The French were then expelled and confined to small islands off Canada. The natives of the Chickasaw, Creek, and Cherokee were also expelled in 1832 with a Trail of tears. This is the "Christian" work of the English criminal colonialists with slavery and stock exchange - Anglo-Saxon "Christians" are barbarism - and the Dutch in Asia copied their barbarism. This is a principle: Bible+stock exchange=barbarism].



Natives in the "USA":
                Seminole, arrest of Osceola   Map of the
                        "USA" with natives primary nations: in
                        the East
Natives in the "USA": Seminole, arrest of Osceola [8] - Map of the "USA" with natives in the East [2]

Originally part of the Creek tribe, the Seminole migrated to Florida in the early 1700s, when the region was under Spanish [Jesus Fantasy] control. They lived in houses called chickees, which had no walls and were built on stilts, with a wooden floor and thatched roof. The Seminoles grew corn, beans, and squash [the golden three] and supplemented their diet through hunting and fishing. They were also known for their skill at woodcarving and basketry.

[The border of the "USA" ran directly near Florida]. The presence of runaway slaves in Spanish Florida and escalating raids across the U.S.-Florida border by both white settlers and the Seminoles [as a revenge? in Georgia?] led to a series of major conflicts, known as the Seminole Wars, beginning in 1817. [Criminal "Christians" always find a reason for enlarging their territory against other cultures and then playing "God" with their vitims]

During the First Seminole War, General Andrew Jackson and his forces invaded Florida, killing Seminoles, destroying their villages, and capturing Spanish forts. The Spanish ceded Florida to the U.S. in 1819. [And one more time a culture had been destroyed].

The Seminoles' resistance to the [criminal "Christian"] U.S. government's attempts to relocate them to reservations [open air concentration camps], first by treaty and then with the enactment of the Indian Removal Act in 1830, led to the Second Seminole War (1835-1842).

[Here is missing a Removal Act for the criminal "Christians" to a reservation!]

Led by Osceola, the Seminoles used guerrilla tactics to fight the vastly larger U.S. forces. The tribe surrendered when they faced starvation after U.S. troops destroyed their crops and villages ["Christian" war crimes]; many Seminoles were forced to move to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). The few Seminoles who remained, isolated in southern Florida, continued to face settler encroachment and fought back, but were defeated in the Third Seminole War (1855-1858).

The Second Seminole War was a defeat for the criminal "Christians" from Wash-Ington, but then the Third Seminole War was not: 1000s of Seminoles were murdered or deported to Oklahoma where the "Oklahoma Seminoles" were forming themselves. A few 100 remaining Seminoles in Florida had to retreat to the swamps "Everglades" to survive in Florida and were only recognized as a tribe in 1957 and 1962 by the criminal "Christian" government in Wash-Ington. They have their own flag like Fake Germany has (black-red-gold), but additionally with a white stripe over it [web01].

[The criminal "Christians" have NEVER enough - they destroy ALL other cultures with mass murder AND with destruction also the planet. Where is the international court against these hyper-criminal "Christians"? The criminal "Christians" shall go to HELL].

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[web01] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seminolen

Photo sources
from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians6.html (in 2023 not online any more)
