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Learner: Primary Nations in the "US" territory (natives, indians)

Natives ("USA") 4. Plains tribes of the "USA"

Crow, Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Pawnee, Comanche

Map of
                        the "USA" with natives primary
                        nations: at the West coast are the Chinook, the
                        Pomo, and the Chumash   Map of the "USA" with natives
                        primary nations: in the Plains before 1491
Map of the "USA" with natives primary nations [1] in the Plains [2]

"Reservation" = open-air concentration camp.

the Golden Three - the three golden vegetables

This is a principle: Bible + stock market = barbarism + destruction of  other cultures + genocide

presented by Michael Palomino (2023)



from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians4.html (in 2023 not online any more)


4. Natives in the Plains


Natives in the Plains
                ("USA"): Battle of Sioux natives against
                criminal "Christian" invadors in 1862       Map
                    of the "USA" with natives primary nations:
                    in the Plains before 1491
Natives in the Plains ("USA"): Battle of Sioux natives against criminal "Christian" invadors in 1862 [3] - map of the "USA" with natives in the Plains [2]

Highly skilled hunters, the Sioux lived in a vast stretch of land encompassing portions of North and South Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska. They were hunter-gatherers who relied heavily on buffalo, which was their source of food, shelter, clothing, and tools. Because they had to be mobile to follow the buffalo herds, the Sioux lived in teepees and used baskets for storing and moving household goods.

First encountering the [Catholic Jesus Fantasy] French along the Mississippi River in 1640, the Sioux co-existed with them and then with the British [Protestand Jesus Fantasy] after French power declined. The Sioux allied with the British during the Revolutionary War [from 1776] and the War of 1812. The U.S. government promised the Sioux certain lands, but the treaties were never enforced. Settlers continued to pour into Sioux lands, bringing disease ["giving" blankets with smallpox] and overhunting buffalo. Tensions mounted and numerous conflicts between the U.S. and the Sioux ensued. After being beaten by the Sioux at the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1867, efforts to subdue the tribe increased. In 1890 between 150 to 300 Sioux were killed by "U.S." troops during the Battle of Wounded Knee ["Christian" war crime]. Subsequently, the tribe was forced onto a reservation.

 [How about if the criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" had to go to a reservation? The world would cheer].



Natives in the Plains
                ("USA"): Crow natives on horses       Map
                    of the "USA" with natives primary nations:
                    in the Plains before 1491
Natives in the Plains ("USA"): Crow natives on horses [4] - map of the "USA" with natives in the Plains [2]

This nomadic tribe inhabited the Yellowstone River Valley in Montana and Wyoming. They relied primarily on buffalo. These animals were not only a source of food, clothing [firs], and shelter [leather], but were also considered sacred. The Crow lived in teepees to follow the herds, and constructed the largest teepees of all the Indian tribes.

The Crow were rich in horses obtained through trade and by stealing; they were known as the premier horse thieves of the Plains [that's why: Crow?]. Because they moved often and had great numbers of horses, the Crow acted as middlemen in the transfer of goods between various tribes. They also befriended fur traders and trappers and opened further trade opportunities by providing robes and furs to settlers. Over time, the U.S. government pushed the tribe out of its territory, even though the Crow had sided with the U.S. in the Indian Wars of the 1860s. By 1870, the Crow were forced to move into reservations.

[The criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" even put friends into reservations if they don't believe in the fantasy God. So I think clearly: These criminal Jesus-fantasy-"Christians" should be forced to their reservation].



Natives in the Plains
                ("USA"): a Cheyenne girl   Map
                    of the "USA" with natives primary nations:
                    in the Plains before 1491
Natives in the Plains ("USA"): a Cheyenne girl [5] - map of the "USA" with natives in the Plains [2]

Occupying the Dakotas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas, the Cheyenne followed the buffalo herds throughout the Great Plains. Living in teepees allowed the tribe to pack quickly and move from place to place using sleds, called travois [French: travua], pulled by dogs or horses. The Cheyenne relied primarily on buffalo and traded with other tribes using Plains Sign Language.

The Cheyenne first encountered outsiders in 1804 when Lewis and Clark explored their vast territory. In the late 1850s, the Gold Rush brought hordes of white settlers into their lands, creating conflict and exposing the tribe to disease. The Cheyenne were the victims of two infamous massacres by U.S. troops: the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864, in which 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho men, women, and children were killed, and the Battle of Washita River in 1868 in which General Custer's forces leveled their camp, killing 100 tribe members [war crime by "Christians"]. In 1876, the Cheyenne joined forces with other tribes to fight in the Battle of Little Bighorn. By 1877, the tribe split, sending some members to Oklahoma while others fled to Montana.

[From the criminal Jesus-fantasy "Christians" one can only flee - but eventually the revenge will come: the reservation for the "Christians"].



Natives in the Plains ("USA"): Map with
                the natives of Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Comanche       Map
                    of the "USA" with natives primary nations:
                    in the Plains before 1491
Natives in the Plains ("USA"): Map with the natives of Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Comanche [6] - map of the "USA" with natives in the Plains [2]

Occupying Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming, the Arapaho were seasoned hunters, following buffalo, elk, and deer as their primary food source. Highly skilled with the bow and arrow, they used every part of the animal they killed for food, clothing, and to create their homes and tools. To keep up with the herds, the Arapaho lived in teepees made of long poles and buffalo hides [leather] and used sleds, known as travois [spoken French: travua], to move their homes and belongings quickly.

With westward expansion came conflict with white settlers. Rather than fight, the Arapaho entered into treaties with the U.S. government. These agreements were not always kept and the tribe lost their land. The Arapaho, along with the Cheyenne, were victims of the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864, in which U.S. troops murdered approximately 150 men, women, and children as they attempted to surrender. The Arapaho and Cheyenne, allied with the Sioux, fought General Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876.

The Mossad Wikipedia tells a different story. In 1865, "reservations" were established, but increasingly "downsized" and then a few parcels were supposedly given to the Arapaho for free because they had become Jesus-fantasy "Christians" - and criminal Jesus-fantasy "Christians" got the rest. Then some more reservations were installed in Wyoming and in Montana, probably because they accepted the superstition from Rome. Quote (translation with Deepl):

"The 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie distinguished three main Arapaho divisions: the Northern Arapaho, the Southern Arapaho, and the Gros Ventres or Atsina. The Little Arkansas River Treaty of 1865 established the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation in what later became the states of Oklahoma and Kansas, whose land base was reduced to less than half just two years later in the Medicine Lodge Treaty of 1867.Under the provisions of the General Allotment Act (Dawes Act), the collective tribal lands of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation were privatized in 1891, i.e., deeded to individual Indians with individual inheritance, and the remaining land was released for European settlement [for criminal "Christian" invadors]. In 1878, the Northern Arapaho Reservation was established in what is now the state of Wyoming, known since 1937 as the Wind River Reservation. In 1888, the Fort-Belknap Reservation was established for the Gros Ventre and the Assiniboine or Nakoda in present-day Montana. The majority of the Gros Ventres had already converted to Christianity after 1862.[12]" [web01]



Natives in the Plains
                ("USA"): map of the Panee in Nebraska       Map
                    of the "USA" with natives primary nations:
                    in the Plains before 1491
Natives in the Plains ("USA"): map of the Panee in Nebraska [7] - map of the "USA" with natives in the Plains [2]

Occupying land along the Platte River in Nebraska, the Pawnee farmed (corn, beans, squash, and melons) and hunted buffalo. They lived in dome-shaped lodges covered by willow branches, grass, or earth. When hunting, they used teepees to follow the herds. Pawnee women, who were highly skilled at making pottery, controlled trade and the distribution of goods within the tribe, while men were tribal chiefs, hunters, and warriors.

The Europeans [criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians"] came into close contact with the Pawnee during the early 1800s as trails to the west were established through their territory. This brought devastating diseases, such as smallpox, which killed nearly half of the tribe in 1831 and an epidemic of cholera that killed many more in 1849.

[It is a great "Christian" tradition to spread pathogens to wipe out entire cultures and then they claim that this was a "punishment from God" - from their fantasy God - the real cause are Jesuit laboratories from the criminal Vatican Jesuits].

The Pawnee did not war against the settlers, but became allies of the U.S. Army, providing them with scouts and warriors during the Indian Wars. Their allegiance to the U.S. was not rewarded, and in 1876 the Pawnee were forced to sell their land and relocated to Oklahoma.

[Criminal Jesus-fantasy-"Christians" remain criminal Jesus-fantasy-"Christians" - deport them to their reservation!]



Natives in the Plains
                ("USA"): Map with the Comanche in Texas   Map
                    of the "USA" with natives primary nations:
                    in the Plains before 1491
Natives in the Plains ("USA"): Map with the Comanche in Texas [8] - map of the "USA" with natives in the Plains [2]

These fierce warriors occupied areas of Texas and New Mexico. The Comanche followed the buffalo herds and relied on hunting, gathering, and trade for their survival. They were able to make nearly 200 different tools and household items from all parts of the buffalo.

The Comanches were the first Plains Indians to use horses and relied heavily on these animals for travel, hunting, and warfare. They were expert horsemen, often learning to ride before they could run. Since the tribe consisted of 12 autonomous groups with no central leadership, they often found themselves at war with one another and with other tribes. Warfare was a major part of Comanche life, especially as [criminal "Christian"] settlers advanced into their territories [occupying their territories].

When white settlers moved into their territory, the Comanche began to raid these settlements, stealing cattle, horses, and food supplies. They would then trade these items with other settlers and explorers. As the Comanche interacted more with the settlers, they contracted diseases such as smallpox and cholera, resulting in epidemics that cut the tribe's population in half. To drive out the tribes, white settlers began hunting buffalo to the point of extinction, despite U.S. government promises that the herds would be preserved. After great resistance, the Comanches eventually signed a treaty with the U.S. and were moved to a reservation [open air concentration camp] in the late 1860s.

[So I mean clearly: These criminal Jesus-fantasy "Christians" must go to the reservation, so that the world finally has peace again].

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[web01] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arapaho

Photo sources
from: Learner: Indians
http://www.learner.org/interactives/historymap/indians4.html (in 2023 not online any more)