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Climate change and the effects - news 12 - since July 23, 2022

Underground volcanoes with magma chambers are melting Antarctica+Greenland ice+are heating seas 01

and by this, the sea water is expanding and sea level is rising

The volcanic
                              zone in West Antarctica: there are 2 rift
                              zones with over 140 dormant volcanoes with
                              melting ice and eruptions - map       The magma chamber of
                            Iceland is also reaching Greenland, where
                            part of the ice is melting away
The volcanic zone in West Antarctica: there are 2 rift zones with over 140 dormant volcanoes with melting ice and eruptions - map (link) [17c] - The magma chamber of Iceland is also reaching Greenland, where part of the ice is melting away [50]

PLUS: climate changes happen by varied solar activity and variations with the magnetic field - ice ages come when the solar system is passing a milky way arm (Galactic year) - CO2 is hardly existing (0.038%) so CO2 CANNOT be the cause for any climate change - link!

PLUS: HAARP antennas are provoking weather phenomena - treaty of Vladiwostok - speach of Claudia von Werlhof: Link

Video minutes

presented by Michael Palomino (2022)
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Climate change worldwide July 23, 2022: CLIMATE CHANGE COMES FROM BELOW: underground volcanoes under Antarctica and under Greenland - these are cycles of 12,000 years - video 8min.:
Underground volcanoes are heating up whole regions of Antarctica, Greenland and the sea - glacier melt and temperature warming WITHOUT END - video from December 2021ca..:
Video: Scientists discovered the real cause of the melting of glaciers
(orig. German: Video: Wissenschaftler entdeckten die wahre Ursache der Abschmelzung der Gletscher)

Climate change worldwide
                                July 23, 2022: CLIMATE CHANGE COMES FROM
                                BELOW, TOO: underground volcanoes under
                                Antarctica and under Greenland -. these
                                are cycles of 12,000 years - video
Climate change worldwide July 23, 2022: CLIMATE CHANGE COMES FROM BELOW, TOO: underground volcanoes under Antarctica and under Greenland -.
these are cycles of 12,000 years - video 8min. [0]

Video: Scientists have discovered the real reason for the melting of glaciers (7'12'')
 Video: Scientists have discovered the real reason for the melting of glaciers (7'12'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptm3TutJBYc - YouTube channel: Creative Society - upload on Feb 2, 2022

-- underground magma chambers from underground volcanoes are heating parts of Antarctica and Greenland and the Arctic Sea
-- this increased volcanism occurs in cycles every 12,000 years
-- that's why a part of the ice of Antarctica and a part the ice of Greenland are melting away
-- because of this, the oceans are warming [and the climate is generally getting warmer, and the volume of the oceans is expanding because of the warming]
-- [sea levels are rising 1) because of melting glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland, and 2) because sea water is warming and thus expanding].

[Climate change has NOTHING TO DO WITH CO2. CO2 is a LIE by certain rabbis who have the power over the world wide media].

The film log: Reinforced magma chambers are warming parts of the glaciers under Antarctica and Greenland every 12,000 years
by Michael Palomino Sep.25, 2022

Video: Scientists have discovered the real reason for the melting of glaciers (7'12'')
 Video: Scientists have discovered the real reason for the melting of glaciers (7'12'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptm3TutJBYc - YouTube channel: Creative Society - upload on Feb 2, 2022

Transcript (translation):

All have heard that glaciers are melting at a catastrophic rate (22''). But have they heard HOW they are melting? (26'') 90% of all the ice on Earth is in Antarctica, and THERE it is shrinking the fastest (33'').

Listing: 2012: 76 million tons per year - 2018: 219 million tons per year (33'').

Antarctic figures: Glacier
                        melting in 2012 at 76 million tons and in 2018
                        at 219 million tons
Antarctic figures: Glacier melting in 2012 at 76 million tons and in 2018 at 219 million tons [1].

It is striking that this is happening exclusively in the western part of Antarctica, while in the East there is a cold almost reaching the record (42'').

Photo: news from Oct.6, 2021: In East Antarctica -79.4ºC are measured (minus 110.9ºF) (39'').

News from LandkartenBlog (https://www.landkartenblog.de/) on Oct.6, 2021: New cold record just missed! Minus 79.4ºC measured in Antarctica. In 1983 minus 89.2°C (minus 110.9ºF) was measured
Map of Antarctica: one part is volcanic
                  and warming   East Antarctica recorded minus 79.4 degrees
                  Celsius in 2019, close to the cold record of -89.2ºC
Map of Antarctica: one part is volcanic and warming [2] - East Antarctica recorded minus 79.4 degrees Celsius in 2019, close to the cold record of -89.2ºC [3].

Article from Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/) from Oct 2, 2021:
South Pole posts most severe cold season on record, a surprise in a warming world (41'') - Washington Post: link - Reddit: link

Article from
                  Washington Post from Oct 2, 2021: South Pole posts
                  most severe cold season on record, a surprise in a
                  warming world
Article from Washington Post from Oct 2, 2021: South Pole posts most severe cold season on record, a surprise in a warming world [4]

Thus, a logical question is coming up: why is Antarctica melting on only ONE side? (47'')

Table: Mass change in gigatons (Gt) from 1992 to 2018:
-- Antarctica total: minus 2800 Gt appr.
-- West Antarctica: minus 2500 Gt appr.
-- Antarctic Peninsula: minus 300 Gt appr.
-- East Antarctica: plus 200 Gt appr. (45'')

Ice loss in West Antarctica
                  in gigatons from 1993 to 2018, graph
Ice loss in West Antarctica in gigatons from 1993 to 2018, graph [5].

And the answer is quite simple: WEST Antarctica has a very different geology (52'').

Antarctica is not
                      uniform, but the west and the east are
                      geologically very different: temperature
                      measurements   Antarctica is not
                        uniform, but the west and the east are
                        geologically very different: crustal thickness
Antarctica is not uniform, but the west and the east are geologically very different: temperature measurements [6] - crustal thickness [7].

It [WEST Antarctica] consists of thin crustal blocks (55''),

Article from ScienceDirect (https://www.sciencedirect.com/) from the "Earth and Planetary Science Letters", December 1, 2014:
Variable crustal thickness beneath Thwaites Glacier revealed from airborne gravimetry, possible implications for geothermal heat flux in West Antarctica (55'') (link)

Variable crustal thickness beneath
                    Thwaites Glacier revealed from airborne gravimetry,
                    possible implications for geothermal heat flux in
                    West Antarctica  
Variable crustal thickness beneath Thwaites Glacier revealed from airborne gravimetry, possible implications for geothermal heat flux in West Antarctica [8]

which are separated by large tectonic faults - reef zones (1'1''). And these zones produce more heat (1'4'').

The reef zones of Antarctica:
                  the earth's crust is warmer there
The reef zones of Antarctica: the earth's crust is warmer there [9]

Article from "Nature" (https://www.nature.com/) from Aug 18, 2021:
High geothermal heat flow beneath Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica inferred from aeromagnetic data (1'7'') (link)

Article from
                  August 18, 2021: High geothermal heat flow beneath
                  Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica inferred from
                  aeromagnetic data
Article from August 18, 2021: High geothermal heat flow beneath Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica inferred from aeromagnetic data [10].

Now, scientists from Germany in the British Antarctic Service "British and Arctic Survey" have mapped the geothermal heat flow in West Antarctica using data from aeromagnetic observations [magnetic field measurements from the air] (1'19'').

Antarctica is geologically divided, view
                  from above   West
                  Antarctica: tectonic heat flows have been mapped using
                  aeromagnetic observations
Antarctica is geologically divided, view from above [11] - West Antarctica: tectonic heat flows have been mapped using aeromagnetic observations [12].

Under the Toltus Glacier, they have discovered an area where a large amount of heat comes from the Earth's interior (1'24''). According to the scientists, this is because the glacier is located in a tectonic depression where the Earth's crust is much thinner (1'32'').

Artikel from the web site AntarcticGlaciers.org (https://www.antarcticglaciers.org/) from June 22, 2020:
Subglacial volcanoes (1'35'') (link)

Conference: Global Crisis: Time of Truth
                  Dec 4, 2021   Map of
                    Antarctica with tectonic depressions - article:
                    Subglacial volcanoes
Conference: Global Crisis: Time of Truth Dec 4, 2021 [13] - Map of Antarctica with tectonic depressions - article: Subglacial volcanoes [14]

Article from Lyell Collection (https://www.lyellcollection.org/) from May 29, 2017:
A new volcanic province: an inventory of subglacial volcanoes in West Antartica (1'36'') (Link)

Antarctica: Tectonic map with
                  volcanoes in West Antarctica   News from Lyell
                    Collection from May 29, 2017: A new volcanic
Antarctica: Tectonic map with volcanoes in West Antarctica  [15a] - News from Lyell Collection from May 29, 2017: A new volcanic province [16]

Antarctica: Tectonic map with volcanoes in West
                  Antarctica; from: A new volcanic province: an
                  inventory of subglacial volcanoes in West Antartica
Antarctica: Tectonic map with volcanoes in West Antarctica; from: A new volcanic province: an inventory of subglacial volcanoes in West Antartica [15b]

Amazing but fact: Antarctica is one of the largest volcanic regions on Earth (1'37''). More than 140 volcanoes exist dormant beneath the ice, and they are now much more active than scientists previously thought (1'45'').  A team of scientists from the University of Rhodes Island has discovered a new factor in the rapid melting of the Pine Island glacier in Antarctica (1'56'').

The volcanic zone in West Antarctica: there are 2
                  rift zones with over 140 dormant volcanoes - map
The volcanic zone in West Antarctica: there are 2 rift zones with over 140 dormant volcanoes - map [17a]

The volcanic zone in West Antarctica:
                    there are 2 rift zones with over 140 dormant
                    volcanoes - map    The volcanic zone in West Antarctica: there
                        are 2 rift zones with over 140 dormant volcanoes
                        with melting ice and eruptions - map
The volcanic zone in West Antarctica: there are 2 rift zones with over 140 dormant volcanoes - map
(link) [17b] - with melting ice and eruptions - map (link) [17c]

Antarctica has over 140 volcanoes  
Antarctica has over 140 volcanoes [18]

Article from "Nature Communications" (https://www.nature.com/) from June 22, 2018:
Evidence of an active volcanic heat source beneath the Pine Island Glacier (1'52'') (link)

Article from "Nature
                                Communications" from June 22, 2018:
                                Evidence of an active volcanic heat
                                source beneath the Pine Island Glacier
Article from "Nature Communications" from June 22, 2018: Evidence of an active volcanic heat source beneath the Pine Island Glacier [19]

Article of the "National Science Foundation" - NSF ("USA" - https://www.nsf.gov/) from June 27, 2018:
Previously unsuspected volcanic activity confirmed under West Antarctic Ice Sheet at Pine Island Glacier (1'57'') (link)

Article from GRAPHIC NEWS (https://www.graphicnews.com/) from June 28, 2018:
Active volcano threat to Antarctica (2'0'') (link)

Article of the "National Science
                  Foundation" - NSF ("USA") from June 27,
                  2018: Previously unsuspected volcanic activity
                  confirmed under West Antarctic Ice Sheet at Pine
                  Island Glacier (1'57'') Article from GRAPHIC NEWS from
                  June 28, 2018: Active volcano threat to Antarctica
Article of the "National Science Foundation" - NSF ("USA") from June 27, 2018: Previously unsuspected volcanic activity confirmed under West Antarctic Ice Sheet at Pine Island Glacier (1'57'') Article from GRAPHIC NEWS from June 28, 2018: Active volcano threat to Antarctica (2'0'') [20a]

Article from GRAPHIC
                      NEWS from June 28, 2018: Active volcano threat to
                      Antarctica, example Pine Island Glacier
Article from GRAPHIC NEWS from June 28, 2018: Active volcano threat to Antarctica, example Pine Island Glacier (link) [20b]

The matter is about an unknown active volcano deep under the ice sheet (2'2'').

Helium=evidence of volcanism
The presence of volcanism was indicated by a high concentration of the isotope helium, which comes only from the Earth's mantle (2'10'').

West Antarctica with rows of volcanoes
West Antarctica with rows of volcanoes [21]

Article from "Plate Climatology" (http://www.plateclimatology.com/) from Feb 25, 2019:
Geological 'Hotspot' Melting Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers. Not Global Warning (2'10'') (link)

Article from
                  "Plate Climatology"
                  (http://www.plateclimatology.com/) from Feb 25, 2019:
                  Geological 'Hotspot' Melting Pine Island and Thwaites
                  Glaciers. Not Global Warning   Map of West Antarctica with warmed zones
Article from "Plate Climatology" (http://www.plateclimatology.com/) from Feb 25, 2019: Geological 'Hotspot' Melting Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers. Not Global Warning (2'10'') [22] - Map of West Antarctica with warmed zones [23]

Map of West
                  Antarctica showing the warmed zones (magma chambers
Map of West Antarctica showing the warmed zones (magma chambers underground). [24] (Link)

[According to the conclusion of] Carron Heighwood, geothermal heat in the West Antarctic Trench warms the water in the ocean (2'17'').

This in turn leads to faster melting of the ice sheet (2'20''). Thus, it is the geothermal heat from volcanoes that contributes to the rapid melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, not global warming (2'30'').

Article from "ClimateChangeDispatch" (https://climatechangedispatch.com/) from Dec 5, 2014:
West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting from Geothermal Heat, Not Global Warming (2'30'') (link)

Antarctica melts due to geothermal heat
Antarctica melts due to geothermal heat [25]

It is
                    the geothermal heat from volcanoes that is
                    contributing to the rapid melting of the Antarctic
                    ice sheet, not global warming.
It is the geothermal heat from volcanoes that is contributing to the rapid melting of the Antarctic ice sheet, not global warming. [26]

Volcanoes under Antarctica

But why are there so many volcanoes under the ice of Antarctica? NASA experts have found it out (2'38''). Photos: Erik R. Ivins and Helene Seroussi (2'39'').

NASA Volcano Research
                  in Antarctica with Erik Ivins and Helene Seroussi
NASA Volcano Research in Antarctica with Erik Ivins and Helene Seroussi  [27]

Using data from NASA's ESAT and Icebridge satellites, they have concluded that there is a large mantle plume [magma chamber] beneath the surface of West Antarctica (2'49''), a stream of red-hot magma rising and spreading beneath the Earth's crust (2'54'').

Article of the organization AGU (Advancing Earth and Space Science) from Aug 1, 2017 (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/):
JGR (Journal of Geophysical Research): Solid Earth: Influence of a West Antarctic mantle plume on ice sheet basal conditions (2'42'') (link - full document: link)

Article of the
                  organization AGU (Advancing Earth and Space Science)
                  from Aug 1, 2017
                  (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/): JGR
                  (Journal of Geophysical Research): JGR Solid Earth:
                  Influence of a West Antarctic mantle plume on ice
                  sheet basal conditions  
Article of the organization AGU (Advancing Earth and Space Science) from Aug 1, 2017 (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/):
JGR (Journal of Geophysical Research): JGR Solid Earth: Influence of a West Antarctic mantle plume on ice sheet basal conditions

NASA Antarctic heat
                    maps from the ESAT and Icebridge satellites - and
                    the article: JGR Solid Earth: Influence of a West
                    Antarctic mantle plume on ice sheet basal
NASA Antarctic heat maps from the ESAT and Icebridge satellites - and the article: JGR Solid Earth: Influence of a West Antarctic mantle plume on ice sheet basal conditions [28]

There is a volcanic
                    chain under Antarctica, schematic cross section
There is a volcanic chain under Antarctica, schematic cross section [29]

Article from LifeScience (https://www.livescience.com/) from Nov 8, 2017:
There's a Huge Plume of Magma Bulging Against Antarctica (2'59'') (link)

There's a Huge Plume of
                        Magma Bulging Against Antarctica
Article from LifeScience from Nov 8, 2017: There's a Huge Plume of Magma [magma chamber] Bulging Against Antarctica [30]

According to calculations by scientists, the area is warming at about the same rate as the area of the Yellowstone super volcano (3'1''). The heat flux is 150 milliwatts (mW) per m2, and 180 in the area of the rift (3'10''). This is slightly 3 times as much heat as the neighboring rock layers receive (3'15'').

Article from AGU (Advancing Earth and Space Science - https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/) from Nov 6, 2017:
Heat Flux Distribution of Antarctica Unveiled (link)

Article from AGU (Advancing Earth and
                  Space Science -
                  https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/) from Nov 6,
                  2017: Heat Flux Distribution of Antarctica Unveiled
Article from AGU (Advancing Earth and Space Science - https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/) from Nov 6, 2017:
Heat Flux Distribution of Antarctica Unveiled

Article from AGU
                      (Advancing Earth and Space Science) from Nov 6,
                      2017: Heat Flux Distribution of Antarctica
Article from AGU (Advancing Earth and Space Science) from Nov 6, 2017: Heat Flux Distribution of Antarctica Unveiled [31b]

So all indications are that glaciers in Antarctica are melting, not by anthropogenic [human or animal] influences, but because of volcanic heat, and at the same time the temperature of the Earth's crust is rising (3'26''). And parts of the area are elevated unusually (3'32''). WHY does the scientific community ignore the connection between all these phenomena? (3'36'')

Underground volcanoes are melting glaciers
                  away    Parts of Antarctica are
                  elevated like Yellowstone Park
Underground volcanoes are melting glaciers away [32] - Parts of Antarctica are elevated like Yellowstone Park [33].

Magma chambers under Greenland cause glaciers to melt

Ice is melting just as much on another part of the planet: on Greenland (3'42'').

                  with melting glaciers  
Greenland with melting glaciers [34]

Research in October 2020 showed that the Greenland ice sheet is now melting faster than at any time in the last 12,000 years before (3'51''). In 2019 alone, Greenland's ice sheet lost the most ice (3'56'').

News from The Guardian from July 30, 2021:
Greenland: Enough ice melted on single day to cover Florida in two inches (5.08cm) of water (3'46'') (link)

                  from The Guardian from July 30, 2021: Greenland:
                  Enough ice melted on single day to cover Florida in
                  two inches (5.08cm) of water  
News from The Guardian from July 30, 2021: Greenland: Enough ice melted on single day to cover Florida in two inches (5.08cm) of water [35]

And in the history of measurements [the last 50 years]: 600 billion tons - 600,000,000,000 (4'1'').

Article from Landsat Science (https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/) from Aug 28, 2019:
Landsat Illustrates Five Decades of Change of Greenland Glaciers (4'2'') (link)

Article from Landsat Science
                  (https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/) from Aug 28, 2019:
                  Landsat Illustrates Five Decades of Change of
                  Greenland Glaciers
Article from Landsat Science (https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/) from Aug 28, 2019:
Landsat Illustrates Five Decades of Change of Greenland Glaciers 

It is also surprising that huge lakes are forming under the 1.5km thick glacier (4'9''). There are already 6 dozen subglacial lakes known in Greenland (4'16'').

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-10821-w
Photo: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-10821-w/figures/6

As of December
                    2021: 6 dozen subglacial lakes have formed beneath
                    Greenland's glaciers - schema cross-section of
As of December 2021: 6 dozen subglacial lakes have formed beneath Greenland's glaciers - schema cross-section of Greenland [37]

   As of
                  December 2021: Distribution and dynamics of subglacial
                  lakes on Greenland: 6 dozen subglacial lakes have
                  formed under Greenland's glaciers - graphic showing
                  cross-section of Greenland
As of December 2021: Distribution and dynamics of subglacial lakes on Greenland: 6 dozen subglacial lakes have formed under Greenland's glaciers - graphic showing cross-section of Greenland [37]

Article from the review "Nature" (https://www.nature.com/) of June 26, 2019:
Distribution and dynamics of Greenland subglacial lakes (4'13'') (link)  

Article from the review "Nature"
                  (https://www.nature.com/) of June 26, 2019:
                  Distribution and dynamics of Greenland subglacial
Article from the review "Nature" (https://www.nature.com/) of June 26, 2019: Distribution and dynamics of Greenland subglacial lakes [38]

The distribution of volcanoes on Greenland,
The distribution of volcanoes on Greenland, maps [39]

Here are precise photos from:

Greenland: subglacial lakes, map with
                  depths in 2020 appr.   Greenland:
                  subglacial lakes, map with heat flux in milliwatts mW
                  in 2020 appr.
Greenland: subglacial lakes, map with depths in 2020 appr. [40] - Greenland: subglacial lakes, map with heat flux in milliwatts mW in 2020 appr. [41]

The temperature of the ice surrounding them is -28ºC (4'22''). But these lakes do not freeze. Why? (4'27'')

The ice around the underground
                  glacial lakes is -28ºC cold   Why
                  don't these glacial lakes freeze?
The ice around the underground glacial lakes is -28ºC cold [42] - Why don't these glacial lakes freeze? [43]

Several research teams have participated in the search for an answer to this question (4'33''). They discovered that there is a mantle plume [magma chamber] under both Greenland and Antarctica (4'41''). Geothermal flows from the deep are responsible for the formation of subglacial lakes and for the melting of glaciers (4'49'').

                  research teams   Antarctica and
                  Greenland have magma chambers (English: mantel plume),
Greenland, research teams [44] - Antarctica and Greenland have magma chambers (English: mantel plume), graphic [45].

Article from AGU (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/) from June 21, 2007: Geophysical Research Letters:
Subglacial topography and geothermal heat flux: Potential interactions with drainage of the Greenland ice sheet (4'51'') (link)

Article from AGU
                  (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/) from June
                  21, 2007: Geophysical Research Letters: Subglacial
                  topography and geothermal heat flux: Potential
                  interactions with drainage of the Greenland ice sheet
Article from AGU (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/) from June 21, 2007: Geophysical Research Letters:
Subglacial topography and geothermal heat flux: Potential interactions with drainage of the Greenland ice sheet 


Many of the outlet glaciers in Greenland overlie deep and narrow trenches cut into the bedrock. It is well known that pronounced topography intensifies the geothermal heat flux in deep valleys and attenuates this flux on mountains. Here we investigate the magnitude of this effect for two subglacial trenches in Greenland. Heat flux variations are estimated for idealized geometries using solutions for plane slopes derived by Lachenbruch (1968). It is found that for channels such as the one under Jakobshavn Isbræ, topographic effects may increase the local geothermal heat flux by as much as 100%."

A team of "American" scientists led by Ralph von Frese has estimated the thickness of Greenland's crust using gravity research (4'59'').

Article from Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com/) from Oct 15, 2007:
Gravity-inferred crustal thickness of Greenland (4'53'') (link)

Article from Science Direct
                  (https://www.sciencedirect.com/) from Oct 15, 2007:
                  Gravity-inferred crustal thickness of Greenland
Article from Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com/) from Oct 15, 2007: Gravity-inferred crustal thickness of Greenland [47]

Photo from Earth Sciences: Ralph R.B. von Frese (4'56'').

Photo from Earth Sciences: Ralph R.B. von
Photo from Earth Sciences: Ralph R.B. von Frese [48]

Article in the review "Science" (https://phys.org/) from Aug 11, 2013:
Heat flow from Earth's mantle contributes to Greenland ice melting (4'59''). (link - pdf: link)

Article from "Nature" in "nature geoscience" (https://www.nature.com/) from Aug 11, 2013:
Heat flux variations beneath central Greenland's ice due to anomalously thin lithosphere (4'59'') (link)

Article in the
                  review "Science" from Aug 11, 2013: Heat
                  flow from Earth's mantle contributes to Greenland ice
                  melting -- Article from "nature geoscience"
                  from Aug 11, 2013: Heat flux variations beneath
                  central Greenland's ice due to anomalously thin
Article in the review "Science" from Aug 11, 2013: Heat flow from Earth's mantle contributes to Greenland ice melting --
Article from "nature geoscience" from Aug 11, 2013: Heat flux variations beneath central Greenland's ice due to anomalously thin lithosphere [49a]

Greenland: ice temperatures, cross section   Greenland: ice temperatures, cross
                    section zoom
Greenland: ice temperatures, cross section
(Link) [49b] - zoom [49c]

Active glacial melting is observed in the northern part of the island, where the crust is thinner, and where there is increased geothermal flow due to an upwelling mantle plume [magma chamber] (5'10'').

The magma chamber of Iceland is also reaching
                    Greenland, where the ice is partly melting away
The magma chamber of Iceland is also reaching Greenland, where the ice is partly melting away [50]

                  imagery: Map and cross-section of Greenland showing
                  the magma chamber to the east provoking an ice drift
                  to the east
Thermal imagery: Map and cross-section of Greenland showing the magma chamber to the east provoking an ice drift to the east. [51]

Article from the review "Nature" (https://www.nature.com/) from the "scientific reports" from Jan 22, 2018:
High geothermal heat flux in close proximity to the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (5'14'') (link)

Article from Science Daily (https://www.sciencedaily.com/) from Dec 7, 2020:
Newly discovered Greenland plume drives thermal activities in the Arctic (5'14'') (link)

Article from "scientific
                  reports" from Jan 22, 2018: High geothermal heat
                  flux in close proximity to the Northeast Greenland Ice
                  Stream -- Article from Science Daily from Dec 7, 2020:
                  Newly discovered Greenland plume drives thermal
                  activities in the Arctic 
Article from "scientific reports" from Jan 22, 2018: High geothermal heat flux in close proximity to the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream --
Article from Science Daily from Dec 7, 2020: Newly discovered Greenland plume drives thermal activities in the Arctic [52]

Research at the Schmidt Institute in Moscow
Using seismological tomography data, scientists from an interdisciplinary team at the Schmidt Institute for Phsyics of the Earth [in Moscow] are indicating that the magma is rising from the center of the core to the surface just below central Greenland (5'28'').

Schmidt-Institut in Moskau   Grönland mit einer Magmakammer in der
                  östlichen Mitte
The Schmidt Institute in Moscow [53] - Greenland with a magma chamber in the eastern center [54].

This area contains the largest number of glacial lakes (5'33'').

                  of Greenland with the concentration of subglacial
                  lakes in the center - Schematic of the magma chambers
                  under Iceland and Greenland
Map of Greenland with the concentration of subglacial lakes in the center - Schematic of the magma chambers under Iceland and Greenland [55].

The scientists calculated the theoretical heat flow that would correspond to this magma chamber (5'39''), and found that the heat would be sufficient to heat the bottom of the glacier to the melting point of the ice (5'47'').

Geological scientists
                  at the conference "Global Crisis"   Greenland turns green again, Jacobshavn region
Geological scientists at the conference "Global Crisis" [56] - Greenland turns green again, Jacobshavn region [57].

Article from AGU (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/) Geophysical Research Letters from Nov 16, 2017:
Predicting the Geothermal heat Flux in Greenland: A Machine Learning Approach (5'51'') (link)

Article of Kansas University (https://today.ku.edu/) from Jan 10, 2018:
Machine learning predicts new details of geothermal heat flux beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet (5'51'') (link)

Article from AGU
                  Geophysical Research Letters from Nov 16, 2017:
                  Predicting the Geothermal heat Flux in Greenland: A
                  Machine Learning Approach -- Article of Kansas
                  University from Jan 10, 2018: Machine learning
                  predicts new details of geothermal heat flux beneath
                  the Greenland Ice Sheet
Article from AGU Geophysical Research Letters from Nov 16, 2017: Predicting the Geothermal heat Flux in Greenland: A Machine Learning Approach --
Article of Kansas University from Jan 10, 2018: Machine learning predicts new details of geothermal heat flux beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet [58]

These events have also been confirmed in similar studies using machine learning technology (5'53''). Apparently, the world's two largest glacier regions, Antarctica and Greenland, are melting due to increasing geothermal flows from the planet's interior. But what is increasing them? (6'10'')

The mantle plumes [magma chambers] beneath the glaciers have been there for millions of years. But today their magma is rising closer to the Earth's surface, heating the Earth's crust from within (6'19'').

Magma chambers under Antarctica and Greenland are
                  melting the ice on Antarctica and Greenland
Magma chambers under Antarctica and Greenland are melting the ice on Antarctica and Greenland [59].

This suggests that abnormal processes are occurring inside the Earth's core (6'26''). The most important question is: Why is this happening now? (6'32'') - The answer is simple: cyclic changes on a planetary scale with a periodicity of 12,000 years (6'40'').

Volcanic activity has a cycle - a cyclicity   Volcanic activity occurs with a
                  cyclicity of 12,000 years
Volcanic activity has a cycle - a cyclicity [60] - Volcanic activity occurs with a cyclicity of 12,000 years [61].

The melting of glaciers is only one part of a chain of climatic events that will lead to an impending catastrophe in the near future (6'49''). It is imperative that the global scientific community come together to understand the TRUE CAUSES of climate change and prevent a major catastrophe in the near future (7'3''). Link: Creative Society International Online Conference 12/4/2021: Global Crisis. The time of truth, video 11h36'0'' (7'5'')

Conference "The
                  global crisis" from Dec 4, 2021, video 11 hours  
Conference "The global crisis" from Dec 4, 2021, video 11 hours [62]

Video 11 hours: link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKRNYDrbqLQ

Video text: The World Conference on Climate from December 4, 2021.
On December 4, 2021, people around the world witnessed a historic event - the international online conference "Global Crisis. The Time of Truth." The conference was broadcast live by volunteers in 100 languages and aired on all social networks and thousands of media channels around the world. This day revealed to people the truth that will change the future!

-- International Online Conference "Global Crisis. The time of truth" with the option of translation into 100 languages of the world:

-- The official website of the international project Creative Society:
https://creativesociety.com/ e-mail: info@creativesociety.com


Independent scientists indicate that sea level will rise at least by 1m in 100 years, therefore
-- all towns on the coasts have to fill up their ground levels ("American" first floors) and rise their roads by 2m of height, the flat beaches will go all and will be walled beaches with steps
-- all ports have to rise by 2m of height
-- all landcapes on 0m have to rise by 2m
-- demonstrations against climate change and climate strikes are for NOTHING because the volcanoes will go on "working"
-- CO2 propaganda is a lying fairy tale propaganda of Clinton, Gore, Greens, Communist Soros and his little Communist girl Greta being supported by Communist Jewish Mossad and Antifa propaganda media for driving the masses and car industries into a dead end with electric cars for nothing, and for destroying the gas and cattle systems.
-- all this CO2 propaganda is a destructive lie and a complete bullshit.

Michael Palomino, Sep 27, 2022

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